Posts in The Protestant Witness
TPW 27 Pope Francis and His False Religion

Here is Rick Warren on Pope Francis: CLICK HERE

Here is an excellent article from the late Dr. R. C. Sproul on why he would not sign “The Manhattan Declaration”:

May Christ raise up a mighty generation of gospel-loving men and women who will bring the true gospel to the more than a billion Roman Catholic people in this world who more than anything need to be evangelized.

TPW 25 Persecution, Revoice and the Sexual Revolution

Several of the Revoice talks and panel discussions available here: CLICK HERE

After listening to all of these talks numerous times carefully and then reviewing word by word transcripts of these talks, I compiled a report of my own findings which I would recommend that everyone read thoroughly and distribute to everyone and anyone you think may be interested in or benefit from this work: CLICK HERE

TPW 19 Family Worship Encouragement from Matthew and Phillip Henry

If families aren't used to doing daily family worship together, it can be very difficult to start. People's schedules are often not prioritized to make sure this all important duty happens on a daily basis. I hope this message will encourage you to soldier on and take the beginning steps of obedience. God is gracious and merciful and will bless your efforts and your work. May God bless you as you lead your families and disciple your children. 

TPW 16 Justification is By Faith Alone, Always and Forever

This was the opening talk at Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church's annual fall conference of 2017. The conference theme that year was: "The Reformation Solas." Justification by Faith Alone is the gospel and every generation must both know this great truth and be willing to defend it at all costs up to and including our lives. Why? Because nothing less than the salvation of every person and the glory of the work of Christ is at stake. 

TPW 15 Sinful Neglect of Scripture

Do you read your Bible every day? If so, how much? Have you ever read the *entire* Bible from start to finish? Are there portions of Scripture you neglect? Are you able to discern subtle errors in the tsunami of teaching that is now available everywhere via the Internet? There is no substitute for plain old reading of the English Bible. Be sure you do it every day! I hope this message encourages you to do so.