“Is Catholic Charities Helping Bring Illegal Aliens to Fort Worth Schools?” by Emily Medeiros, Texas Scorecard, 01/06/2025, accessed 01/12/2025.
"Antichrist’s Illegal Alien Assault on America" by Steve Matthews, The Trinity Foundation, June-August 2024. This is my paper on The Emigree Family of Nazareth, Rome's 1952 apostolic constitution that applied socialist Roman Catholic Social Teaching to the issue of immigration. It is the document that set forth Rome's immigration theory, the practice of which is being carried out by the Biden Regime.
“News today: Embalmers, Debate in Canada, FDA meeting on hold, Cell paper, mask study disputed, Igor’s discovery, news from Peter McCullough, post-vax photos, and much more” by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter, 2/11/2022
“Explosive: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases have deadly clots caused by the COVID vax” by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter, 2/12/2022
“Is it ‘Happy New Year’ or “Happy New Years’? NYE Greeting Explained” by Tom Fish, Newsweek, 12/31/2021
“25 Nights of Lights: The best-dressed Christmas homes around Cincinnati” WLWT 5, 12/31/2021
“Pope Francis: Saint Joseph Was A ‘Persecuted And Courageous Migrant’” by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D., Breitbart, 12/29/2021
“Ocasio-Cortez says Jesus was a ‘Refugee’ in Christmas tweet” by Samuel Chamberlain, Fox News, 12/25/2018
“True Love is radical because it requires us to see ourselves in all people” Tweet by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 12/25/2018. This is the tweet with an image portraying a migrant couple with child as Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.
Justice for Immigrants webpage, accessed 1/2/2022. Note well, there’s no mention of justice for American citizens. Rome cares only about foreigners. And really, Rome doesn’t care about the illegal aliens either. The only thing Rome cares about is advancing its causes of socialism and world government by any means necessary. The migrants are pawns in Rome’s power game.
Exsul Familia Nazarathana, by Pope Pius XII, 1952. This is the foundational document governing Rome’s immigration, migration, and refugee resettlement theory and practice. Pope Pius XX, also known as “Hitler’s Pope” (see John Cornwell’s book by the same title). This Apostolic Constitution sets forth the migration principles Rome is using to destroy the West. The Babylonian Harlot has figured out a way, not only to destabilize and ultimately destroy the free, independent nations of the West, but also to make the citizens of these nations pay for their own destruction. Truly a Satanic work.
“Was Jesus An Illegal Immigrant?” Pulpit & Pen, 12/18/2013. This article quotes Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention talking his usual immigration nonsense, aping the papal Antichrist by calling Jesus an “illegal immigrant” when he was nothing of the sort. Russell Moore, it would seem, has made a prosperous career for himself denouncing his putative fellow Christians to an ever-eager audience of progressives and various America haters. His message? “I’m an Evangelical, but not one of those icky sorts of Evangelicals who voted for Donald Trump or who questions the wisdom of admitting endless millions of welfare migrants into the country.”
Definition of a refugee, UN Refugee Service, accessed 1/2/2022
“Pope Francis: ‘No Country Can Exempt Itself From Duty To Take In Migrants” by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D., 12/22/2021. The “duty” for nations to admit welfare migrants of which Pope Francis speaks is found nowhere in Scripture. It is a figment of the Antichrist papal imagination. The words of Genesis 6:5 are applicable here, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
“DHS: More Than 52,000 Afghan Refugees Resettled in US in 2021” by Charles Kim, Newsmax, 12/31/2021
“Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born In 2021, Outpacing U.S. Births In 49 States” by John Binder, Breitbart, 12/31/2021
“Situation at the southern border worse that (sic) you probably realize” by Nolan Rappaport, The Hill, 11/15/2021
“Crisis at the border not taking a break for the holidays…” by Griff Jenkins, Twitter, 12/29/2021
“Ghislaine Maxwell Is Finally on Trial!” by Philip Giraldi, The Council For The National Interest, 11/30/2021
“Jonathan Pollard,” Wikipedia
“Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House” by Daniel Lippman, Politico, 9/12/2019
“Biden administration blacklists NSO Group over Pegasus spyware” by Drew Harwell, Ellen Nakashima, and Craig Timberg, The Washington Post, 11/3/2021
“Who Really Owns the ‘Holy Land’?” by Robert L. Reymond, The Trinity Foundation, June-July 2006
“The Religious Wars of the 21st Century” by John W. Robbins, The Trinity Foundation, August 2006
“OSHA suspends enforcement of COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses” by Mychael Schnell, The Hill, 11/17/2021
“Austrian Police, Army Reportedly Refusing to Enforce ‘Health Dictatorship’, Will March in Protest Against It,” by Matt Agorist, Activist Post, 11/19/2021
“Church Militants, not Church Milquetoasts,” by Michelle Malkin, 11/16/2021
“Rittenhouse Not Guilty,” by Alex Berenson, 11/19/2021
“Bill Ackman: Kyle Rittenhouse is ‘telling the truth’ and ‘acted in self defense’ in viral Twitter thread,” by Nicole Lyn Pesce, MarketWatch, 11/12/2021
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Charles Chiniquy
“Pope Francis Wades Into U.S. Immigration Morass With Border Trip,” New York Times, 2/17/2016
“Pope Says Trump Is ‘Not Christian,’” NPR 2/18/2016
“Pope calls on faithful to help migrants achieve ‘new life,’” Border Report, 2/18/2021
“$100 million in border wall rusting away in Texas: report,” NY Post, 10/11/2021
Tweet showing migrants walking through gap in border wall
“Bannon: Catholic Church One of the Worst Instigators of Open Borders Policy,” Newsmax, 6/17/2018
“Bannon: Catholic Church needs ‘illegal aliens to fill the churches,” Washington Post, 9/7/2017
“Illegal immigrant caravans and criminal Catholics,” by Michelle Malkin
“The Religious Wars of the 21st Century,” by John W. Robbins
“U.S. will no longer deport people solely because they are undocumented, Homeland Security secretary says,” by Annika Kim Constantino, CNBC, 9/30/2021
“40K Haitians on the Way to U.S. Through Mexico. Mayorkas Update: No Deportation Order,” by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American, 10/1/2021
“Alejandro Mayorkas’ 7 border lies” by Post Editorial Board, New York Post, 9/26/2021
“Exclusive-Mark Morgan: Almost Everything Alejandro Mayorkas Says Is A Lie,” by Robert Kraychik, Breitbart, 8/10/2021
“Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration” by Pastor Ralph Ovadal
“A Christian Responsibility to Migrants” by Bishop Daniel Flores
“I have been advised not to comment.” Statement by Norma Pimental, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley.
The Democrats are the party of Rum, Romanism and Rebellion, and this can be seen in their attempt to steal the 2020 Presidential election.
Hiram Diaz joins Carlos to continue the series based on the articles, When Protestants Err on the Side of Rome: John Piper, “Final Salvation,” and the Decline and Fall of Sola Fide at the Last Day. They continue Part 2 of the article with:
Fatal Flaw #5: Heaven’s Diaspora
Intro and Outro music created by Semiotician. The opening track is titled "Rushing Out":
The closing track is titled "The Hills”:
Soul Sleep: An Unbiblical Doctrine https://www.amazon.com/dp/1795751495/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UZuPDbVAD7DR6
Carlos and Tim catch up on emails, recent events, personal updates, and controversies about Apologetics and the Jeff Durbin/Andy Stanley exchange, School dress ups and gender, Christians and entertainment, Roman Catholic Baptism and Presbyterians, Charles Hodge and JH Thornwell, Richard Gaffin and Justification, and Piper and being Counted Righteous in Christ.
Charles Hodge on the Roman Catholic Church:
Indeed it is a matter of devout thankfulness to God that underneath the numerous grievous and destructive errors of the Romish Church, the great truths of the Gospel are preserved. The Trinity, the true divinity of Christ, the true doctrine concerning his person as God and man in two distinct natures and one person forever, salvation through his blood, regeneration and sanctification through the almighty power of the Spirit, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life, are doctrines on which the people of God in that communion live, and have produced such saintly men as St. Bernard, Fenelon, and doubtless thousands of others who are of the number of God’s elect. (John Robbins, http://www.trinityfoundation.org/journal.php?id=228)
CALVIN ON THE VALIDITY OF 'ROMISH' BAPTISM, http://www.semperreformanda.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Calvin-on-the-Validity-of-Romish-Baptism-Dr.-F.N.-Lee.pdf
Dallas Exhibits
Carlos and Tim continue their series based on the articles, When Protestants Err on the Side of Rome: John Piper, “Final Salvation,” and the Decline and Fall of Sola Fide at the Last Day. They begin Part 2 of the article with:
Fatal Flaw #4: The Active Obedience and Congruous Merit of the Believer