Posts tagged Reformed Confessions
SRR 124 WLC: Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?

WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:

I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)

This is a Reformed Baptist study on the Westminster Larger Catechism, Question 40, held at the Old Paths Christian Church on 6 January 2020. Topics include Christology and the Trinity; ancient creeds and councils; Nestorianism and other ancient heresies; Greek philosophy, essentialism, realism, metaphysics and existence; Roman Catholic teaching; the problem of the one and the many; and more!

Q. 40. Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?

A. It was requisite that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and man, should himself be both God and man, and this in one person, that the proper works of each nature might be accepted of God for us,t and relied on by us, as the works of the whole person.u (t) Matt 1:21,23; Matt 3:17; Heb 9:14 (u) 1 Pet 2:6




“Human nature, therefore, although endowed with intelligence and will, may be, and in fact is, in the person of Christ impersonal. That it is so is the plain doctrine of Scripture, for the Son of God, a divine person, assumed a perfect human nature, and, nevertheless, remains one person.” (Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology,

+Bruce Shelley, Church History in Plain Language, Fourth Edition Zondervan Academic,

+J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines: Revised Edition,

Roger Olson, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform,

+The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault,

+Gordon H. Clark, “Atheism,”

+Gordon H. Clark, The Trinity,; and The Incarnation,

SRR 123 WLC: Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be man?

WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:

I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)

This is a Reformed Baptist study on the Westminster Larger Catechism, Question 39, held at the Old Paths Christian Church on 30 December 2019. We covered a myriad of topics including Christology, salvation, Covenant Theology, Dispensationalism, Adam and Even, Moral Law, the Covenant of Works and the works principle, the law/gospel distinction, final judgment, sanctification, the flesh, and more!

Q. 39. Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be man?

A. It was requisite that the Mediator should be man, that he might advance our nature,n perform obedience to the law,o suffer and make intercession for us in our nature,p have a fellow feeling of our infirmities;q that we might receive the adoption of sons,r and have comfort and access with boldness unto the throne of grace.s (n) Heb 2:16; 2 Pet 1:4 (o) Gal 4:4; Matt 5:17; Rom 5:19; Phil 2:8 (p) Heb 2:14; Heb 7:24-25 (q) Heb 4:15 (r) Gal 4:5 (s) Heb 4:16




+Carlos Montijo and Tim Shaughnessy, “SRR 85 The Covenant of Works & New Covenant Theology, Part I,” Semper Reformanda Radio

+____“SRR 86 The Covenant of Works & New Covenant Theology, Part II,”

+Carlos Montijo, “When Protestants Err on the Side of Rome: John Piper, “Final Salvation,” and the Decline and Fall of Sola Fide at the Last Day,”


+Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will,

+Paul Washer, “Being What You Are: Having Too Low a View of Regeneration - Romans 6,”

+The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault,

+Hodge's Commentary on Romans 5,

+Richard Barcellos, Getting the Garden Right,

SRR 122 LBCF: Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day

WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:

I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)

Ryan Denton leads a study on the Sabbath from the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith for the Old Paths Christian Church on 5 November 2018. This is the first of a series of studies based on the 1689 London Baptist Confession and Westminster Larger Catechism.

Chapter 22: Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day

6. Neither prayer nor any other part of religious worship, is now under the gospel, tied unto, or made more acceptable by any place in which it is performed, or towards which it is directed; but God is to be worshipped everywhere in spirit and in truth;w as in private familiesx daily,y and in secret each one by himself;z so more solemnly in the public assemblies, which are not carelessly nor wilfully to be neglected or forsaken, when God by His word or providence calleth thereto.a' (w) John 4:21; Mal 1:11; 1 Tim 2:8 (x) Acts 10:2 (y) Matt 6:11; Ps 55:17 (z) Matt 6:6 (a') Heb 10:25; Acts 2:42

7. As it is the law of nature, that in general a proportion of time, by God's appointment, be set apart for the worship of God, so by His Word, in a positive moral, and perpetual commandment, binding all men, in all ages, He hath particularly appointed one day in seven for a sabbath to be kept holy unto Him,b' which from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ was the last day of the week, and from the resurrection of Christ was changed into the first day of the week, which is called the Lord's Day: c' and is to be continued to the end of the world as a Christian Sabbath, the observation of the last day of the week being abolished. (b') Exod 20:8 (c') 1 Cor 16:1-2; Acts 20:7; Rev 1:10

8. The sabbath is then kept holy unto the Lord, when men, after a due preparing of their hearts, and ordering their common affairs aforehand, do not only observe an holy rest all day, from their own works, words and thoughts, about their worldly employment and recreations,d' but are also taken up the whole time in the public and private exercises of His worship, and in the duties of necessity and mercy. e' (d') Isa 58:13; Neh 13:15-22 (e') Matt 12:1-13





+Sam Waldron, The Lord's Day: Its Presuppositions, Proofs, Precedents, and Practice,,-proofs,-precedents,-and-practice

+Richard C. Barcellos, Getting the Garden Right: Adam’s Work and God’s Rest in Light of Christ,



+Richard C. Barcellos, “Exodus 16 and the Sabbath,”



SRR 121 Deranged by Doug Wilson, Messianic Judaism & John Piper & the Decline of Sola Fide at Final Judgment (7)
SRR 115 The Resurrection: John Piper & the Decline of Sola Fide at Final Judgment (6)
SRR 113 Josh Harris Abandons His Shipwrecked Faith | Intro to Systematic Theology

Carlos discusses Joshua Harris’ recent apostasy beyond the surface level by examining his book, Dug Down Deep. The conclusions may surprise you. Several topics are discussed in a critical, systematic theological fashion, including youth ministry, salvation, justification, sanctification, works, the flesh, repentance and faith, Lordship Salvation, bibliology, transcendence and immanence, confronting opposition, grace alone, law and gospel, and more!

Our hearts and prayers go out to brother Richard Bennett’s family:

Heidelberg Catechism Q. 26. 

What believest thou when thou sayest, "I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth"?

A. That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (who of nothing made heaven and earth, with all that is in them;a who likewise upholds and governs the same by his eternal counsel and providence)b is for the sake of Christ his Son, my God and my Father;c on whom I rely so entirely, that I have no doubt, but he will provide me with all things necessary for soul and bodyd and further, that he will make whatever evils he sends upon me, in this valley of tears turn out to my advantage;e for he is able to do it, being Almighty God,f and willing, being a faithful Father.g


+ Divided the movie,










SRR 111 Emails, Events, Books, Controversies

Carlos and Tim catch up on emails, recent events, personal updates, and controversies about Apologetics and the Jeff Durbin/Andy Stanley exchange, School dress ups and gender, Christians and entertainment, Roman Catholic Baptism and Presbyterians, Charles Hodge and JH Thornwell, Richard Gaffin and Justification, and Piper and being Counted Righteous in Christ.

Charles Hodge on the Roman Catholic Church:

Indeed it is a matter of devout thankfulness to God that underneath the numerous grievous and destructive errors of the Romish Church, the great truths of the Gospel are preserved. The Trinity, the true divinity of Christ, the true doctrine concerning his person as God and man in two distinct natures and one person forever, salvation through his blood, regeneration and sanctification through the almighty power of the Spirit, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life, are doctrines on which the people of God in that communion live, and have produced such saintly men as St. Bernard, Fenelon, and doubtless thousands of others who are of the number of God’s elect. (John Robbins,



Dallas Exhibits

SRR 103 Steve Matthews, Knox Seminary, and Imagining a Vain Thing

Carlos interviews Steve Matthews on his excellent book, Imagining a Vain Thing: The Decline and Fall of Knox Seminary:

This exposé by a former Knox student demonstrates how neglecting the historical grammatical hermeneutic of the Reformation leads to all sorts of fanciful eisegesis and ultimately heresy. A case in point is Warren Gage, the John-Revelation Project, and the controversy surrounding the medieval hermeneutics he taught at Knox Theological Seminary. It's a shame when such fiascos in reformed institutions are not resolved biblically.

This is a very informative and insightful book, and I learned new things about Reformed hermeneutics, including an enlightening discussion about typology and Marsh's dictum. A must read!





SRR 93 Brandon Adams on Covenant Theology & Republication, Part II

Carlos and Tim interview Brandon Adams from on Covenant Theology; differences between Presbyterian, Reformed Baptist, and New Covenant Theology; Republication and Westminster West vs Westminster East; Law and Gospel; and more!



















  17. “In Defense of Moses” and Venema’s review


SRR 92 Brandon Adams on Covenant Theology & Republication, Part I

Carlos and Tim interview Brandon Adams from on Covenant Theology; differences between Presbyterian, Reformed Baptist, and New Covenant Theology; Republication and Westminster West vs Westminster East; Law and Gospel; and more!



  17. “In Defense of Moses” and Venema’s review
SRR 90 A Reformed Baptist and Presbyterian Debate

This week Tim Shaughnessy welcomes Pastor Patrick Hines and Brandon Adams to the show to discuss Baptism and Covenant Theology. In addition to the show, both participants in the discussion would like to offer additional resources to our listeners. 

Brandon Adams has provided the following resources to us. 

Patrick Hines has provided the following resources to us. 

** Here is my response to the two programs that were done with Brandon on SRR concerning the so-called “republication” issue:

Sermon: "Biblical Infant Baptism and Covenant Theology":

Sermon Manuscript:

Sermon: "Infant Baptism Defended" (Interacting with Reformed Baptist authors and theologians):

Sermon Manuscript:

New Members Class:

Answering Good Questions about Infant Baptism:

I checked YouTube and Brandon Adams's gross and repeated misrepresentations of my work are still there. There is no reason for him to have misunderstood what I worked hard and labored long to make clear in both sermons and the video linked above. I am convinced entirely that Brandon Adams has never read nor has he ever understood what Presbyterians believe about covenant theology and that he knows essentially nothing about it. Quoting men is far different from reading and understanding them. If he had done either he would have understood exactly what I was saying in my sermons and videos on this topic. He wrote, “He was articulating the Presbyterian position in what seemed like an odd way.” Anyone conversant with the relevant scholarship and literature on this subject would never write such a thing about my sermons and videos on these issues. There was nothing odd or unusual about my articulation of our position. The fact is, Brandon Adams neither knows nor understands what Presbyterians believe about covenant theology and baptism. At any rate, this video he put out is an example of how not to listen to sermons:

Here is what I would recommend reading to see concise defenses of our views on covenant theology and baptism. While each of these works is lengthy, their respective sections on infant baptism are relatively short and to the point. I would recommend looking up every passage of Scripture cited in them. You will see if you read them that one’s particular take on the role of the Mosaic covenant is not part of the argument. If you own these works or purchase them, use the table of contents to take you to the sections on sacraments, baptism, and then the proper subjects of baptism. Fesko’s book is a historical and biblical survey of baptism. Toward the end, chapter 14 is an excellent summary (one of the best I have ever read). Chapter 14 it titled: “Baptism and Its Recipients”:

  1. Robert L Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 2nd Ed.

  2. A. A. Hodge, A Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith

  3. Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology

  4. Robert L. Dabney, Systematic Theology

  5. J. V. Fesko, Word, Water, and Spirit: A Reformed Perspective on Baptism

This list could be far longer, but if one reads their short sections on the proper subjects of baptism, that person will have a very good handle on why we believe what we do about these things. With all deference, affection, and respect to my brethren on the other side of this issue, I do not believe they could answer the arguments and exegetical analysis of these works. I believe they can’t answer my opening statement either. I also suspect that this is the reason they are fixated upon an issue that is irrelevant to this subject instead of dealing with force of the biblical text and the historic Reformed tradition on this very important topic. I also believe this is why my opening statement was and continues to be ignored outside of Brandon’s article responding to it which I have not and do not intend to read. That’s what the debate was for and this has already consumed far more of my time than it ever should have. Had he made an opening statement with substance and biblical argumentation, I would gladly have rebutted it. Had he attempted to respond to my opening statement during the debate, I would gladly have rebutted that response. He did neither. That was his choice. It saddens me that my friends, Tim and Carlos, have very clearly been led off the track of understanding covenant theology and baptism by Brandon Adams.

Although it is not relevant to the proper subjects of Baptism, I’d like to post here Dr. Robert L. Reymond’s treatment of the Mosaic covenant and the Exodus event because it is outstanding:

The exodus from Egypt—the Old Testament type par excellence of biblical redemption—by divine arrangement exhibited the same great salvific principles which governed Christ’s work of atonement, both in its accomplished and applied aspects, in the New Testament, thereby teaching the elect in Israel about salvation by grace through faith in the atoning work of Messiah’s mediation.

As a major feature of the Old Testament ground for the truth that “everything that was written in the past was written to teach us” (Rom. 15:4; see 1 Cor. 10:1–11, where Paul employs the exodus and certain subsequent wilderness events for this pastoral purpose), the great exodus redemption of the people of God from Egypt (and Moses’ inspired record of it) communicated God’s redemptive ways to his Old Testament people as it would do later to us, his New Testament people. That it is not reading too much into the event of the exodus to characterize it as a redemptive event is borne out by the fact that the biblical text represents it precisely that way: Exodus 6:6: “I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.” Exodus 15:13: “In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.” Deuteronomy 7:8: “But it was because the Lord loved you … that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery.” Deuteronomy 9:26: “O Sovereign Lord, do not destroy your people, your own inheritance, that you redeemed by your great power and brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand.” The exodus is also described as “Yahweh’s salvation” (Exod. 14:13), Moses also writing: “That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians.” (Exod. 14:30). Later Stephen applied the title “redeemer” to Moses, a type of Christ (Acts 7:35). Far from their becoming after Sinai a nation living under divinely imposed constraints of legalism, the people of the Mosaic theocracy, having been delivered from their slavery as the result of the great redemptive activity of God in the exodus event, became God’s “treasured possession,” “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exod. 19:5–6; Deut. 7:6) in order to “declare the praises of him who brought them out of darkness into his marvelous light” (see 1 Pet. 2:9). In the exodus God revealed the following four great salvific principles that regulate all true salvation, taught Israel about faith in Christ, and bind the “soteriologies” of the Old and New Testaments indissolubly together into one “great salvation.”

1. The exodus redemption, in both purpose and execution, originated in the sovereign, loving, electing grace of God. This principle is expressly affirmed in Deuteronomy 7:6–8: You are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your fore-fathers [which oath itself was grounded in sovereign electing grace—Heb. 6:13–18] that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. (emphases supplied) And it is implied in God’s description of the nation as his “firstborn son” in Exodus 4:22–23 (see Deut. 14:1; Isa. 1:2–3; 43:6; 63:16; 64:8; Jer. 3:4; 31:9; Hos. 11:1; Mal. 1:6; 2:10), sonship from the very nature of the case being nonmeritorious and all the more so since Israel’s sonship was not sonship by nature (only God the Son is a Son of God by nature) but by adoption (Rom. 9:4). In actual execution of the exodus it is highly significant that there was little religious or moral difference between the nation of Egypt and Jacob’s descendants in Egypt: both peoples being idolatrous (Exod. 12:12; Josh. 24:14; Ezek. 23:8, 19, 21; but see Deut. 26:7 for evidence that a “remnant” still worshiped Yahweh) and sinful (Deut. 9:6–7). Accordingly, it was God himself who had to “make a distinction” between the Egyptians and the Israelites (Exod. 8:22–23; 9:4, 25–26; 10:22–23; 11:7).

2. The exodus redemption was accomplished by God’s almighty power and not by the strength of man (Exod. 3:19–20). Every detail of the exodus event was divinely arranged to highlight the great salvific truth that it is God who must save his people because they are incapable of saving themselves. God permitted Moses to attempt Israel’s deliverance at first by his own strategy and in his own strength, and allowed him to fail (Exod. 2:11–15; Acts 7:23–29). Then he sent Moses back to Egypt with the staff of God in his hand to “perform miraculous signs with it” (Exod. 4:17). God himself promised, precisely in order to “multiply” his signs that he might place his power in the boldest possible relief and this in order that both Egypt and Israel would learn that he is God, that he would harden Pharaoh’s heart throughout the course of the plagues, and he did so (Exod. 7:3; 10:1–2; 11:9; see Rom. 9:17). And the Song of Moses in Exodus 15 has as its single theme the extolling of God for his mighty power to save. There should have been no doubt in anyone’s mind after the event whose power had effected Israel’s redemption.

3. The exodus redemption, notwithstanding the two previous facts that it sprang from God’s gracious elective purpose and was accomplished by the power of God, actually delivered only those who availed themselves of the expiation of sin afforded by the efficacious covering of the blood of the paschal lamb (Exod. 12:12–13, 21–23, 24–27). This truth underscores the fact that biblical redemption is not simply deliverance by power but deliverance by price as well.21 That the paschal lamb was a “sacrifice” is expressly declared in Exodus 12:27, 34:25, and 1 Corinthians 5:7. As a biblical principle, wherever the blood of a sacrifice is shed and applied as God has directed so that he stays his judgment, the expiation or “covering” of sin has been effected. Accordingly, the exodus redemption came to its climax precisely in terms of a divinely required substitutionary atonement in which the people had to place their confidence if they were to be redeemed. As we will suggest later, Moses could have informed them of the christological significance of the paschal lamb.

4. The exodus redemption resulted in the creation of a new community liberated from slavery in order to serve its gracious new Redeemer and Lord. Again and again God ordered Pharaoh:“Let my people go that they may serve me” (see Exod. 3:18; 4:23; 5:1; 7:16; 8:1, 20; 9:1, 13; 10:3). The Bible knows nothing of a people of God springing into existence as the result of his redemptive activity who then continue to remain under the hostile power of their former master (see Rom. 6:6, 17–22; 7:4–6, 23–25; 8:2–4; 2 Cor. 5:15, 17). Though Pharaoh suggested compromises that would have resulted in something less than complete liberation for Israel (Exod. 8:25, 28; 10:11, 24), Moses would have none of it. Accordingly, Israel left Egypt completely (Exod. 12:37; 13:20), becoming a guided people (Exod. 13:21–22) and a singing people (Exod. 15), who had their sacraments (Exod. 14:21–23; 16:4, 13–15; 17:1–6; see 1 Cor. 10:2–4), and whose perseverance in their pilgrim struggles was dependent ultimately on the intercession of “the man on top of the hill” and not on their own strength and stratagems (Exod. 17:8–16). And far from Israel “rashly accepting the law” at Sinai and “falling from grace” when the nation promised its obedience to God’s law, the very preface of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:1–2) places these ten obligations within the context of and represents them as the anticipated outcome of the redemption which they had just experienced. So it was to be through Israel’s very obedience to God’s commandments that the nation was to evidence before the surrounding nations that it was God’s “treasured possession,” his “kingdom of priests,” and “a holy nation”—precisely the same way that the church today evidences before the watching world its relationship to God. Peter informs Christians that they, like Israel in Old Testament times, are a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, in order that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Pet. 2:9). And Christians, just as Israel was to do through its obedience to God’s laws, are to show forth his praises as “aliens and strangers in the world” by “living such good lives among the pagans that … they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us” (1 Pet. 2:11–12).

This final quotation is from Joel Beeke’s very scholarly work “A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life” from chapter 45, “The Puritans and Paedobaptism.” I’d highly encourage the reading of the entire chapter, but the following final quotation is exactly what I asserted from Scripture in my opening statement, in my sermons, and in all that I’ve written and taught on this issue:

Reformed theologians have always made it clear that the warrant for paedobaptism does not come from Moses. Nowhere do we read of anyone contrasting the new covenant with the promises made to Abraham. There was indeed disagreement concerning what is meant by the “old covenant,” and how it relates to the new covenant, but Reformed theologians all affirmed that the new covenant was the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham. Indeed, there is nothing substantially different between the Abrahamic covenant and the new covenant, except that the latter is the fulfilment of what was only a promise in the former, which is why Reformed theologians had no difficulty affirming a “covenant of grace” that included God’s gracious dealings with the church from the time of Adam to the time of Christ. One may argue that the new covenant is different in kind than the Sinaitic or old covenant, as did Owen and Goodwin, among others; but Owen and Goodwin could join with those who viewed old and new covenants as one in substance to affirm paedobaptism because all agreed that the command to baptize infants was based on the perpetual promises made to Abraham, the father of many nations, and not derived from any law or ordinance of Moses. Of course, the argument that Abraham, not Moses, provides the rationale for paedobaptism has been acknowledged by the more learned antipaedobaptists.

Based upon this quotation, I leave it to the listeners and readers to decide whether or not my antipaedobaptist interlocutors are among the learned or unlearned on this particular topic.

SRR #10 | Where's New Covenant Theology? A Closer Look at the London Baptist Confessions

Take a closer look at the context and content of historic Baptist confessions of faith with Carlos and Owen as they investigate New Covenant Theology's (NCT) attempts to find itself in the 1st London Baptist Confession of 1644/46; NCT’s claims regarding the 2nd London Baptist Confession of 1689 and its authors; and the implications this has on the Law, Evangelism, and Covenant Theology. Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at! Check out our blog:!semper-reformanda-radio/a0zyx Rate and Review us on iTunes:

References (recommended resources are noted with a '+'): + "A Comparison of the 1644 & 1646 London Baptist Confession of Faith", •!1644/c19o6 + + James M. Renihan, "CONFESSING THE FAITH IN 1644 AND 1689", + "Reformed Resources from a 1689 Perspective: Of New Covenant Theology [Resource Roundup]", includes Dr. James Renihan’s exposition of the entire 1st LBC 1644/1646, + Richard C. Barcellos, In Defense of the Decalogue: A Critique of New Covenant Theology, + Reformed Resources from a 1689 Perspective, "Tag: New Covenant Theology", + + + + "A Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist Covenant Theology", From Recovering a Covenantal Heritage: Essays in Baptist Covenant Theology, ed. Richard C. Barcellos, RBAP, 2014, + Micah and Samuel Renihan, "REFORMED BAPTIST COVENANT THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL THEOLOGY", + Denault, Pascal, Mac Wigfield, and Elizabeth Wigfield. 2013. The distinctiveness of Baptist covenant theology: a comparison between seventeenth-century Particular Baptist and paedobaptist federalism, + Coxe, Nehemiah, Ronald D. Miller, James M. Renihan, Francisco Orozco, John Owen, and Nehemiah Coxe. 2005. Covenant theology from Adam to Christ,

SRR #9 | Hacking New Covenant Theology's Growing Straw Man Army to Pieces | Reformed Use of the Law

Join Tim, Carlos, and Owen as they clear the air regarding recent interactions with the hosts of “Conversations From The Porch,” a New Covenant Theology podcast, and take a look at the claims and straw mans that Pastor Shane Kastler made on their podcast regarding Reformed Baptists, Covenant Theology, and John Calvin and the Reformed view of the Law. ADDENDUM: I, Carlos, sincerely apologize to Pastor Shane Kastler. I'm primarily responsible for leading the charge against him. My zeal got out of hand and I apologize for that and for saying he sounded postmodern and that he was sloppy. It was very uncharitable of me.

I was confused by his comments on CFTP 16 at around 1:26:00 ( and when he said it doesn't matter if all the 1644 LBCF authors held to covenant theology, but he reached out to us and said he affirms the importance of authorial intent. He was very gracious and even willing to come on the show. We look forward to clearing the air and discussing our disagreements in brotherly love. So stay tuned!

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at!

References (recommended resources are noted with a '+'): • • • + Richard C. Barcellos, In Defense of the Decalogue: A Critique of New Covenant Theology, + “A Tabular Comparison of the 1646 WCF and the 1689 LBCF,” + + + Gordon H. Clark, What Do Presbyterians Believe?, Collection 10: Christian Theology,

SRR #6 | The Sabbath, Logic, and NCT's Straw Man Army | From Russia, With Love

Tim and Carlos are excited to introduce Owen Paun, a missionary to Bulgaria, to the podcast! In this episode, they discuss Russia's draconian, anti-evangelism laws; the Sabbath; quotes by New Covenant Theology (NCT) authors John Reisinger and David Gay; logic; NCT's army of fallacies; confessions; the tripartite distinction of the Mosaic law; and more. I apologize if I offended anyone when describing the Pharisees as retarded in a previous episode. I was not referring to the mentally handicapped, but to those who willfully deceive themselves and others. –Carlos

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References: • •Voddie Baucham, “The Sabbath Before the Command,” •Gordon H. Clark, "God and Logic," •Michael D. Marlowe, "The Westminster Confession of Faith: According to the Text of the First Edition, and with the Original Scripture Proofs. With Notes Showing the Changes Introduced by Church Synods up to the Present Day," •"American Revisions to the Westminster Confession of Faith," •Collection 10: Christian Theology, “What Do Presbyterians Believe?” by Gordon H. Clark, •David Gay, Redemption History Through Covenants, •John Reisinger, Abraham’s Four Seeds, •!Christianity-and-Logic/c16h1/57a26b2c0cf2fd413b4bf948 •Elihu Carranza, The Logic Classroom, •Jonathan F. Bayes, The Threefold Division of the Law,…of-the-law.pdf •Augustine, Contra Faustum, VI.2, •Justin Martyr, "Chapter XLV: Those who were righteous before and under the law shall be saved by Christ," Dialogue with Trypho, •John Calvin, "Of Civil Government," Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Chapter 20, Section 14, •Thomas Aquinas, "Of the Precepts of the Old Law," Summa Theologica, 2a, Question 99, Article 4,