Posts tagged Gordon Clark
RLL 65: Romeward Bound, Joe Biden Meets His Boss Jorge Bergoglio
RLL 65.Romeward Bound.Joe Biden Meets His Boss Jorge Bergoglio
Steve Matthews

Trinity Foundation YouTube Channel: Reformation Day Livestream “The Sands of Rome:” with guest speaker Timothy F. Kauffman

Here I Stand by Roland Bainton

Christ & Civilization by John W. Robbins

Biden says Pope Francis called him a good Catholic and said he should keep receiving Communion,” by Chico Harlan, Seung Min Kim, and Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post, 10/29/2021

Joe Biden’s Vatican Meeting With Pope Francis Runs Into Overtime,” by Josh Boak, Zeke Miller and Nicole Winfield, Huffington Post, 10/29/2021

Unusual secrecy attends Biden’s first meeting with Pope Francis as president,” by Jack Jenkins and Claire Giangrave, Religion News Service, 10/28/2021

Biden Eases Fray with France and Savors Meeting With Pope as Europe Trip Begins,” by Katie Rogers and Jason Horowitz, New York Times, 10/30/2021

Pope Francis meets with US President Joseph Biden,” Vatican News, 10/29/2021

Biden says Pope Francis OK’d him receiving communion, calling him a ‘good Catholic’ amid abortion debate,” by Michael Collins and Maureen Groppe, USA Today, 10/30/2021

SRR 124 WLC: Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?
SRR 124 WLC Q40: Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?
Carlos E. Montijo

WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:

I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)

This is a Reformed Baptist study on the Westminster Larger Catechism, Question 40, held at the Old Paths Christian Church on 6 January 2020. Topics include Christology and the Trinity; ancient creeds and councils; Nestorianism and other ancient heresies; Greek philosophy, essentialism, realism, metaphysics and existence; Roman Catholic teaching; the problem of the one and the many; and more!

Q. 40. Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?

A. It was requisite that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and man, should himself be both God and man, and this in one person, that the proper works of each nature might be accepted of God for us,t and relied on by us, as the works of the whole person.u (t) Matt 1:21,23; Matt 3:17; Heb 9:14 (u) 1 Pet 2:6




“Human nature, therefore, although endowed with intelligence and will, may be, and in fact is, in the person of Christ impersonal. That it is so is the plain doctrine of Scripture, for the Son of God, a divine person, assumed a perfect human nature, and, nevertheless, remains one person.” (Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology,

+Bruce Shelley, Church History in Plain Language, Fourth Edition Zondervan Academic,

+J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines: Revised Edition,

Roger Olson, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform,

+The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault,

+Gordon H. Clark, “Atheism,”

+Gordon H. Clark, The Trinity,; and The Incarnation,

SRR 114 Heaven’s Diaspora: John Piper & the Decline of Sola Fide at Final Judgment (5)
SRR 113 Josh Harris Abandons His Shipwrecked Faith | Intro to Systematic Theology
SRR 113 Josh Harris Abandons His Shipwrecked Faith
Carlos Montijo

Carlos discusses Joshua Harris’ recent apostasy beyond the surface level by examining his book, Dug Down Deep. The conclusions may surprise you. Several topics are discussed in a critical, systematic theological fashion, including youth ministry, salvation, justification, sanctification, works, the flesh, repentance and faith, Lordship Salvation, bibliology, transcendence and immanence, confronting opposition, grace alone, law and gospel, and more!

Our hearts and prayers go out to brother Richard Bennett’s family:

Heidelberg Catechism Q. 26. 

What believest thou when thou sayest, "I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth"?

A. That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (who of nothing made heaven and earth, with all that is in them;a who likewise upholds and governs the same by his eternal counsel and providence)b is for the sake of Christ his Son, my God and my Father;c on whom I rely so entirely, that I have no doubt, but he will provide me with all things necessary for soul and bodyd and further, that he will make whatever evils he sends upon me, in this valley of tears turn out to my advantage;e for he is able to do it, being Almighty God,f and willing, being a faithful Father.g


+ Divided the movie,










SRR 111 Emails, Events, Books, Controversies
SRR 111 Emails, Events, Books, Controversies
Tim Shaughnessy/Carlos Montijo/Tim Kauffman/Joseph Rios

Carlos and Tim catch up on emails, recent events, personal updates, and controversies about Apologetics and the Jeff Durbin/Andy Stanley exchange, School dress ups and gender, Christians and entertainment, Roman Catholic Baptism and Presbyterians, Charles Hodge and JH Thornwell, Richard Gaffin and Justification, and Piper and being Counted Righteous in Christ.

Charles Hodge on the Roman Catholic Church:

Indeed it is a matter of devout thankfulness to God that underneath the numerous grievous and destructive errors of the Romish Church, the great truths of the Gospel are preserved. The Trinity, the true divinity of Christ, the true doctrine concerning his person as God and man in two distinct natures and one person forever, salvation through his blood, regeneration and sanctification through the almighty power of the Spirit, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life, are doctrines on which the people of God in that communion live, and have produced such saintly men as St. Bernard, Fenelon, and doubtless thousands of others who are of the number of God’s elect. (John Robbins,



Dallas Exhibits

SRR #61 | Interview: Jason Petersen on Scripturalist Apologetics
SRR #61 | Interview With Jason Peterson - Fellow Clarkian
Tim Shaughnessy/ Jason Peterson

In this episode of Semper Reformanda Radio Tim Shaughnessy interviews Jason Peterson, a fellow Clarkian, on the publication of his new book Apologetics Made Simple: Five Keys to an Unstoppable Apologetic. Join the discussion as Tim and Jason they also talk about apologetics and the Clarkian perspective of the Transcendental Argument. Can you prove the Bible is true or that God exists? What is the problem one will face if they try to prove their first principle, ultimate standard or axiomatic starting point?

We want to thank Jason Peterson for participating in the show and we want to recommend Jason's website to our listeners.

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Christianity/ Religion


SRR 41 Doug Douma on the “The Presbyterian Philosopher" Gordon H. Clark
SRR #41 | The Presbyterian Philosopher
Tim Shaughnessy/ Carlos Montijo/ Doug Douma

Join Tim and Carlos for a special edition of Semper Reformanda Radio! We interview Douglas J. Douma about his new book, The Presbyterian Philosopher: The Authorized Biography of Gordon H. Clark and discuss the life, the controversies--including the infamous Clark-Van Til controversy, in which Clark was opposed by Cornelius Van Til and a faction from the Westminster Seminary faculty--and the many contributions of "America's Augustine." You don't wanna miss this!

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Find us on Facebook or email us at

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“Scripturalism—Christianity—is a whole view of things thought out together. It engages non-Christian philosophies on every field of intellectual endeavor. It furnishes a coherent theory of knowledge, an infallible salvation, a refutation of science, a theory of the world, a coherent and practical system of ethics, and the principles required for political liberty and justice. No other philosophy does.” (John Robbins, “An Introduction to Gordon H. Clark,”

Resources (Recommended ones noted with a '+')

+ Get Doug's book @

+ Thomas W. Juodaitis, "The Presbyterian Philosopher by Douglas J. Douma - A Review,"

+ The Presbyterian Philosopher Facebook page,

+ Doug Douma, "A List of Differences Between the Thought of Gordon H. Clark and Cornelius Van Til,"

+ Gordon H. Clark, "Introduction to Theology,"

- JOHN WISTAR BETZOLD, EUGENE BRADFORD, R. B. KUIPER, LEROY B. OLIVER, N. B. STONEHOUSE, MURRAY FORST THOMPSON, WILLIAM E. WELMERS, PAUL WOOLLEY, CORNELIUS VAN TIL, EDWARD J. YOUNG, DAVID FREEMAN, ARTHUR W. KUSCHKE, JR. "The Text of a Complaint Against Actions of the Presbytery of Philadelphia In the Matter of the Licensure and Ordination of Dr. Gordon H. Clark,"

+ Alan Tichenor (Chairman), Robert Strong (Secretary), Floyd E. Hamilton, Edwin H. Rian, Gordon H. Clark. "THE ANSWER TO A COMPLAINT AGAINST SEVERAL ACTIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF PHILADELPHIA TAKEN IN A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON JULY 7, 1944: Proposed to the Presbytery of Philadelphia of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church by the Committee Elected by Presbytery to Prepare Such an Answer,"

+ John Robbins, Can The Orthodox Presbyterian Church Be Saved?,

+ Herman Hoeksema, The Clark Van-Til Controversy, "This book is a series of editorials written at the time of the so-called Clark-Van Til controversy in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the mid-1940's. The essays are some of the best analyses of its meaning we have seen in print, written by the editor of the Standard Bearer. Far from being a sideshow, and far from being dead, the assault on the doctrines of Scripture by the faculty of Westminster Seminary determined the path that the Seminary, and to some extent, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, would follow for the remainder of the century." (

- DG Hart, "After the Breakup, Heartbreak: Conservative Presbyterians without a Common Foe,"

"There are still very strong misrepresentations–even slanders–of Clark today, particularly from Van Tilians. Here are a few examples from Scott Oliphint, Apologia Radio, and Reformed Forum" (

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+ Gordon Clark Facebook Groups

+ Intro to Clark and Scripturalism

• “Scripturalism: A Christian Worldview” by W. Gary Crampton o • “An Introduction to Gordon H. Clark” by John W. Robbins o • “The Biblical View of Truth” by John W. Robbins o • “The Bible As Truth” by Gordon H. Clark o • “What Is Christian Philosophy?” by John W. Robbins o • “A Christian Appraisal of Contemporary Philosophy” by Gordon H. Clark o • “The Necessity of Gordon Clark” by B.K. Campbell o