SRR 41 Doug Douma on the “The Presbyterian Philosopher" Gordon H. Clark

Join Tim and Carlos for a special edition of Semper Reformanda Radio! We interview Douglas J. Douma about his new book, The Presbyterian Philosopher: The Authorized Biography of Gordon H. Clark and discuss the life, the controversies--including the infamous Clark-Van Til controversy, in which Clark was opposed by Cornelius Van Til and a faction from the Westminster Seminary faculty--and the many contributions of "America's Augustine." You don't wanna miss this!
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“Scripturalism—Christianity—is a whole view of things thought out together. It engages non-Christian philosophies on every field of intellectual endeavor. It furnishes a coherent theory of knowledge, an infallible salvation, a refutation of science, a theory of the world, a coherent and practical system of ethics, and the principles required for political liberty and justice. No other philosophy does.” (John Robbins, “An Introduction to Gordon H. Clark,”
Resources (Recommended ones noted with a '+')
+ Get Doug's book @
+ Thomas W. Juodaitis, "The Presbyterian Philosopher by Douglas J. Douma - A Review,"
+ The Presbyterian Philosopher Facebook page,
+ Doug Douma, "A List of Differences Between the Thought of Gordon H. Clark and Cornelius Van Til,"
+ Gordon H. Clark, "Introduction to Theology,"
- JOHN WISTAR BETZOLD, EUGENE BRADFORD, R. B. KUIPER, LEROY B. OLIVER, N. B. STONEHOUSE, MURRAY FORST THOMPSON, WILLIAM E. WELMERS, PAUL WOOLLEY, CORNELIUS VAN TIL, EDWARD J. YOUNG, DAVID FREEMAN, ARTHUR W. KUSCHKE, JR. "The Text of a Complaint Against Actions of the Presbytery of Philadelphia In the Matter of the Licensure and Ordination of Dr. Gordon H. Clark,"
+ Alan Tichenor (Chairman), Robert Strong (Secretary), Floyd E. Hamilton, Edwin H. Rian, Gordon H. Clark. "THE ANSWER TO A COMPLAINT AGAINST SEVERAL ACTIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF PHILADELPHIA TAKEN IN A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON JULY 7, 1944: Proposed to the Presbytery of Philadelphia of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church by the Committee Elected by Presbytery to Prepare Such an Answer,"
+ John Robbins, Can The Orthodox Presbyterian Church Be Saved?,
+ Herman Hoeksema, The Clark Van-Til Controversy, "This book is a series of editorials written at the time of the so-called Clark-Van Til controversy in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the mid-1940's. The essays are some of the best analyses of its meaning we have seen in print, written by the editor of the Standard Bearer. Far from being a sideshow, and far from being dead, the assault on the doctrines of Scripture by the faculty of Westminster Seminary determined the path that the Seminary, and to some extent, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, would follow for the remainder of the century." (
- DG Hart, "After the Breakup, Heartbreak: Conservative Presbyterians without a Common Foe,"
"There are still very strong misrepresentations–even slanders–of Clark today, particularly from Van Tilians. Here are a few examples from Scott Oliphint, Apologia Radio, and Reformed Forum" (
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+ Gordon Clark Facebook Groups
+ Intro to Clark and Scripturalism
• “Scripturalism: A Christian Worldview” by W. Gary Crampton o • “An Introduction to Gordon H. Clark” by John W. Robbins o • “The Biblical View of Truth” by John W. Robbins o • “The Bible As Truth” by Gordon H. Clark o • “What Is Christian Philosophy?” by John W. Robbins o • “A Christian Appraisal of Contemporary Philosophy” by Gordon H. Clark o • “The Necessity of Gordon Clark” by B.K. Campbell o