“We are Republicans, and don't propose to leave our party and identify ourselves with the party whose antecedents have been rum, Romanism, and rebellion. We are loyal to our flag.”
- Dr. Samuel D. Burchard, Presbyterian Minister and Union Civil War Veteran
“Our patience is wearing thin.” Thus did the imposter-in-chief and son of Antichrist Joe Biden bellow from the lectern on Thursday.
More fully, his comments were:
My message to unvaccinated Americas is this: what more is there to wait for, what more do you need to see? We’ve made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. The Vaccine is FDA approved [it isn’t, but that’s another matter]. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us. So please, do the right thing. But don’t just take it from me. Listen to the voices of unvaccinated Americans who are lying in hospital beds taking their final breath saying, “if only I’d gotten vaccinated! If only!” It’s a tragedy. Please don’t let it become yours.
With his words, this treasonous liar managed, in very short order, to declare war, not just on unvaccinated Americans, but on all the constitutionally guaranteed liberties of all Americans.
Quite apart from the fact that the Covid vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, Biden’s arrogant and threatening words are among the most disturbing, unconstitutional, and unchristian utterances made by any American politician ever. It’s that serious.
There is no provision in our Constitution that allows a president to dictate what medical treatments a person must have. There is no support for such a thing in Scripture.
Far from it.
In 1988, Joe Biden’s bid for the White House was short circuited when it turned out he had, “lifted portions of a speech by United Kingdom Labour MP and Margaret Thatcher challenger Neil Kinnock.”
It only he had stuck with plagiarizing Neil Kinnock.
Now, when speaking as President in 2021, it seems that Biden has raised his game, lifting his ideas from a higher source. In this case, Revelation 13 seems to be where Biden is stealing his ideas these days. There we read, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
It is not my point here to argue that the Covid vaccine answers to the prophecy in John’s Revelation. With that said, Biden’s threat to the unvaccinated is certainly of that same spirit we find in Revelation. “Do what I tell you, or else!”
It’s also of the same spirit one finds in the Roman Catholic Church, the Great Babylonian Harlot of Revelation. In the middle ages, Rome was all about “do what we say, or else!” If you didn’t believe that Christ really, truly was present in the sacrifice of the mass, well, you were in a whole lot of trouble and would likely find yourself on the receiving end of some nasty business. This is what dogma is. “Believe, or else!” No matter how stupid, absurd, and unbiblical Rome’s pronouncements were. You had to accept what the pope and his henchmen said or suffer the consequences.
Back in 2006 in his essay “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century,” John Robbins wrote, “The Protestant Reformation is indeed over; the respite of peace, freedom, and prosperity it afforded the West from the long history of human brutality is drawing to a close; and the world is about to enter a new Dark Age of slavery, brutality, and war. Only the second coming of Christ or an extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit can prevent religious totalitarians from imposing their will on billions of people.”
Some may have thought Robbins a pessimist when he wrote that. But fifteen years later, his words seem downright prescient.
America is suffering under the government of its second Roman Catholic president. And unlike the first one, John F. Kennedy, Biden not only sees no need to hide his political and economic Romanism, but actually goes out of his way to embrace them.
By political and economic Romanism, I mean the application of the Roman Catholic Church-State’s (RCCS) theology and philosophy to those two disciplines.
Joe Biden’s Political and Economic Romanism
We’ve already seen one example of Joe Biden’s political Romanism in his arrogant announcement of vaccine mandates. But one can find many other examples of Biden openly embracing the economics and politics of the Woman Who Rides the Beast.
On his 2020 campaign website, we read:
In his encyclical, Laudato Si, Pope Francis directed the global community to raise awareness about the growing climate change crisis. Climate change threatens communities across the country, from beachfront coastal towns to rural farms in the heartland. Joe’s plan will tackle climate change and pollution to protect our communities.
By favorably citing Jesuit Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si, Biden is advancing not only Rome’s environmentalist agenda but the ultimate aim of that agenda: global government. In Laudato Si, Pope Francis, the current occupant of the office of Antichrist, approvingly quoted his immediate predecessor Antichrist, writing:
Given this situation, it is essential to devise stronger and more efficiently organized international institutions, with functionaries who are appointed fairly by agreement among national governments, and empowered to impose sanctions. As Benedict XVI has affirmed in continuity with the social teaching of the Church: “To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority, as my predecessor Blessed John XXIII indicated some years ago”(emphasis mine).
With the above in mind, is it any surprise that one of Biden’s first acts in office was to put America back into the treasonous Paris Climate Accord? By doing this, Biden promoted the climate change of globalist lies of the RCCS.
Biden’s praising of Pope Francis’ socialist economics predates the 2020 presidential campaign. In 2014, when many liberty minded Roman Catholics were aghast of Pope Francis’s open attack on capitalism in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Joe Biden said of one of the Pope’s critics, “As a practicing Catholic, bless me, Father, for he has sinned.”
We have already seen Biden’s thuggish attitude to those who disagree with the Covid vaccine campaign. But Biden is not the first Covid authoritarian. And while Pope Francis is certainly not the only Covid authoritarian, he is certainly one of the most prominent.
Back in February of this year, there was this headline in the Huffington Post, “Vatican Threatens To Fire Employees Who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine.” Antichrist loves the vax so much that, aping him, his Mini Me in the White House wants to bring the same blessing to Americans coast to coast. Except, of course, to members of Congress and their staff. They’re exempted. Rules are for little people! Shades of the middle ages indeed, where there was one law for the nobility, and another for everyone else.
Critical Race Theory is another point of agreement between the Biden regime and Antichrist. They both think it’s wonderful. In an article titled “Critical race theory and Catholicism go hand in hand,” Jesuit Patrick Saint-Jean wrote that, “CRT [Critical Race Theory] intersects easily with Catholic social teaching.” Doubtless, it does. But then, that’s a condemnation of Rome’s evil and ungodly Social Teaching, not a confirmation of its righteousness as the Jesuit author of the article thinks.
Unsurprisingly, Joe Biden – it’s worth mentioning here that Biden attends a Jesuit-run parish in Washington D.C. – also thinks CRT is just awesome and something we Americans all need more of.
How about immigration, migration, and refugee resettlement? Once again, there is no distinction at all between the policies of the Biden regime and pronouncements of the Antichrists current and past on this topic. In short, both the Pope and Joe Biden think it’s a great idea to flood the nation with immigrants, migrants, and refugees and stick the American people with the bill, all the while denouncing them as a bunch of depolorables for even so much as questioning whether these policies are good for the American people or make any economic sense. In his blasting critique of Strangers No Longer, Pastor Ralph Ovadal called this “romanizing America through illegal immigration.”
But it’s not just illegal immigration that the Popes of Rome, including the current Pope, use to destroy nations. It’s also welfare refugee resettlement. Both Pope Francis and Joe Biden want to flood America with Afghan refugees. Antichrist Pope Francis even prayed, “that displaced persons inside Afghanistan receive assistance and protection.” That is to say, Francis wants them on the public dole. This is one of Rome’s most flagrant refugee scams, conflating Christian charity, which is always the voluntary giving of one’s own things, with state-run welfare, which is theft.
Naturally, the Biden regime thinks the same thing. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Biden Administration Seeks New Law to East Afghan Refugees’ Path to Green Cards.” So we can import literally plan loads of people, many of whom the State Department has no idea who they are and of whom, “only a small share of those entering the U.S. qualified through the Special Immigrant Visa program intended for Afghan interpreters, drivers, embassy workers and other who directly worked for the American military and U.S. contractors.” Let the refugee handouts begin!
I could go on, but the reader by now should be able to see that political and economic Romanism is, far from being accidental, is the very warp and wood of the Biden regime.
If Americans are to have any chance of retaining any of their remaining liberties, it is imperative for Christians to denounce and refute the political and economic Romanism of the Biden regime.